Welcome to The Fool’s Bag! I’m Rowan, and I’m happy you’ve decided to visit! The site has technically been up for a while now as I’ve been filling everything out, but today’s the day: Welcome to the official launch!
Layout of the Site
I’ve put a lot into making this site a valuable place for Tarot newbies and pros alike. Here you’ll find all the basics, plus regular posts about various Tarot-related topics.
If you look at the main menu, you’ll see sections for “Tarot Card Meanings” and “Learning the Tarot.” Those are where you’ll find all the basic pages. The Card Meanings pages are where you’ll find exactly what it sounds like: the meanings of each card in the Tarot deck. You can view quick keywords for every card, or click into a card to get a much deeper dive into its meaning and symbolism.
The Learning section is, for now at least, a few basic articles to get you started with the cards. I plan to eventually expand it to a full how-to course, but that’s down the road.
The blog itself is already pretty fleshed out, with over a month’s worth of regular posts up. I’ve been doing a good job of posting 3 times a week, but I know that’ll probably not always be the case. My commitment to you is at least one post per week (that’d be the Monday post), usually two, and often three.
Posts Schedule
Fridays are when I’ll post the “general” topics posts. Anything I come up with to talk about that doesn’t fall under the specific themes of the other days. I’m trying to keep up with doing a Friday post every week, but don’t be too surprised if I fall off from time to time.
Wednesday’s posts are “card of the week.” Of course, the basic meanings are already in the Card Meaning section—these posts, instead, take a look at one particular aspect of a card’s symbolism, its relationship to another card, or whatever else I can think of.
Monday’s posts are all themed, with a different theme for each Monday of the month:
- The first Monday of each month, we’ll be looking at reversals. Sometimes this will be a deep dive into the reversed meanings of a particular card, other times various topics about reversals in general. I don’t have one of these posted yet, so no link to the category. Watch for the first one, The Fool Reversed, on Monday June 5th 2023!
- The second Monday of each month is Mythology Monday. I LOVE mythology, and these are the posts where I get to dig into the parallels between world mythology and the Tarot.
- The third Monday of each month is Magickal Monday. Certainly not everyone who reads Tarot is a magick user, but the Magickal Monday’s posts are for those of us who are. Tarot spells, techniques, and anything else I can come up with that explores the deep connections between Tarot and Magick.
- Finally, the fourth Monday each month I’ll be featuring a specific Tarot spread. Sometimes these will be existing spreads with a long, history, like the Celtic Cross, and other times they’ll be new and original. And sometimes we’ll be looking at spreads as a more general topic, talking about how they work, how to create them, etc.
- Occasionally, the days of the month fall in such a way that we get a fifth Monday. When this happens, I consider that whole week a “unicorn” week. On Unicorn weeks, any and all posts are free-for-alls, covering whatever I feel like writing about.
The Fool’s Mailbag
And last, let’s talk about The Fool’s Mailbag, the Fool’s Bag Newsletter. This is a monthly newsletter that’ll include highlights from the month’s posts, usually an original topic or two, and any other goodies I can come up with. Subscribe now and join the party!!
Thanks for Visiting!
So, that’s the full tour. I’m glad you stopped by, and hope you’ll come back often! Don’t forget to sign up for the newsletter so you never miss a thing!